33 profiles available
Python Programmer and Data Scientist
Expertise in Python Programming. Worked on projects involving Face Parsing, Human Pose detection. Also been part of NLP Projects.
Cloud Computing Engineer
Cloud Computing Engineer with 3 years experience
Big Data Engineer
Big data engineer with 6 years of experience
Data scientist
Data Scientist with 1 year experience
Data Science Professional
I have 3+ years of experience in developing chatbots, document processing using NLP. I have worked on multiple projects where I have deployed chatbot using AWS services such a Lex, Kendra, Lmbda, RDS, Polly etc.
Cloud computing Engineer
Cloud Computing Engineer with 3 years of experience
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineer with 2 years experience
Machine Learning Engineer
Machine Learning Engineer with 2 years of experiment
Data Scientist
Seasoned Data Scientist with over 12 years of experience building Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence applications.
ML Engineer
Working as ML engineer for 1 year
Curvelogics Advanced Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd
2nd Floor, Udayasree Building
Opp. Technopark Phase I, Kahakootam, Trivandrum Kerala 695583
EMail : info@worxhive.com
Call Us: 7306348352